The boy has been talking to Bear for as long as he can remember and asking some very tough questions about life, love, friendship, honesty, forgiveness, grief and loss, prejudice, and more. Bear’s wise answers are always offered with patience, compassion, and great enthusiasm. The friendship between these two is deep, tender, and fun. Bear’s clear, common-sense philosophy of life is a welcome contrast to the complex world our children face.
What Bear Said - the latest book by Jack Wiens
What Bear Said is available on Torchflame Books or Amazon books in hardback, paperback, and ebook.
The book can be read in brief 2 or 3 page segments and the reader will take away a thought-provoking life lesson. In the beautifully illustrated woods you will also meet Jay, Raccoon, Badger, Elder Moose and others who add to the fun and adventure.
This is the perfect book for parents or grandparents to read with their young readers.
Recent review on of What Bear Said.

This book feels like everything I ever wanted to hear as a child from a trusted adult and so much I would want my children or grandchildren to hear now. It soothes the nervous system and feels like a big, warm hug as you journey through life situations with the wise bear. It can be enjoyed in its entirety or specific chapters utilized for certain situations such as grief, being present, and friendship. This thoughtful book with beautiful illustrations should be a staple in every child’s collection.
Tending Our Grief, A Guide for Your Journey - by Jack Wiens
Tending Our Grief, A Guide for Your Journey is for anyone who has experienced a loss. The inevitable grief can be confusing and unpredictable. Most of us have had no preparation for it. This little book, illustrated with cartoons, is an offering of help based on my years of counseling and working with hospice. Available on Amazon books in paperback.
Review on of Tending Our Grief.

Whether you are navigating your own journey of grief, and would like to reach out and find a resource to help someone else, this is a great place to start. Jack writes in a easy to read and comprehend style, combined with images that help to convey the emotions one experiences during grief. I would recommend for all ages and all faiths.
Gathering StarDust - by Victor Villaseñor, illustrated by Jack Wiens
Discover the magic of Victor Villaseñor’s storytelling in his latest book, Gathering StarDust, a touching story of his early childhood with his grandmother, featuring 100 vivid watercolor illustrations.. Available on Amazon books.
Review on of Gathering StarDust.